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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

Multiple Streams Approach and Implementation of Road Safety Policy Measures in Kisii and Kisumu Counties, Kenya
Omweri, F.S.
Lecturer, Kampala International University, Department of Public Administration and Development Studies- Western Campus, Uganda.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i03-40

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This study aimed to assess the implementation gaps in road safety policy measures in Kisii and Kisumu counties, Kenya, using the multiple streams framework. The study aimed to determine the impact of problem, policy, and politics on the implementation of road safety policy measures. A sample size of 335 was used, and interviews were conducted with traffic base commanders, county matatu owners' associations, and county directors. The reliability and validity of the study instrument were assessed using Cronbach's alpha, factor analysis, and expert opinion. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods, with quantitative data examined through multilinear regression approaches and Pearson correlation analysis, and qualitative data using thematic content analysis. The findings showed a moderate influence of the multiple streams framework on the implementation of road safety policy measures among matatu operators. The study concluded that multiple streams significantly influence the implementation of road safety policy measures in Kenya.


Multiple Streams Approach, Implementation, road safety policy measures.

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